2013 Train of Lights

The 2013 Train of Lights starts November 29th.


Three members of the NCRy Signal Department participated in an event hosted by the SSRR Signal Department for the NMRA National Convention. Hanging out with the SSRR gang is always fun! For more pictures and details check out the July 7th entry in the “New News” section of the SSRR Signal Department website at www.ssrrsignal.com.


RWP Training

RWP Training will be held at 8:00AM on May 14th in the White House. All Signal Department members that work near the track are required to attend.

SSRR Signal Department’s 2010 Annual Training Class

The Niles Canyon Railway Signal Department was once again invited by the Sacramento Southern Railroad Signal Department to participate in their Annual Training Class on September 18th, 2010. Click on the photo below for more details about this event.

RWP Training

RWP Training will be held at 9:00AM on May 15th in the White House. All Signal Department members that work near the track are required to attend.